Osmos is out and wow we are getting amazing reviews - head over to Hemishphere Games to check it out.
Again, as I mentioned before. I was part of a very small team working on this game - Me, Art Director
Here are some of the reviews:
Lots of great Osmos reviews and coverage have been flooding in:
“beyond doubt, a work of genius… a relaxing, meditative experience about going with the flow… very ethereal feel to the design… It all adds up to something otherworldly and just . . . incredible.”
“8.5/10 - Editor’s Choice Award - a beautiful, absorbing experience… brilliant to look at… the best videogame music I’ve heard… will make you forget your cares and immerse you in the game… you’ll find yourself returning for the experience.”
“88% - The most relaxing game in the whole (c)osmos. Ranging from a simple pleasure cruise to a edge-of-the-seat skill-based game, this is definitely worth the low US$9.99 pricetag - you’d expect to pay this much just for the soundtrack - and if my experience has proven anything it’s that you’ll keep coming back to it time and time again.”
“wonderful gameplay… beautifully polished and tantalisingly atmospheric… Osmos mixes puzzle, action and strategy remarkably and all the while does it with great finesse and style”
“fascinating… an absolute blast to play… creative, entertaining, and calming all in one go… It is easily worth your $10”