I’m thrilled to finally be able to talk about LabO!
It has been one of the most exciting projects I’ve worked on. I was one of 4 directors on this - 2 from 7 fingers (Samuel Tétrault and Isabelle Chassé) and 2 from Moment Factory (Alexander Michael, and me). You can read more about the project on the website of Moment Factory:
For those who didn’t have a chance to try this interactive social experiment created in collaboration with The 7 Fingers, LabO is an experimental workshop connecting participants through movement, music, technology and emotion. Still in its prototype form, this completely unique experience aims to connect strangers through dance and collaboration.Thanks to the artists and developers on the project and to all the test subjects, friends, coworkers and others, who have generously donated their time and feedback throughout this early development phase.
Moment Factory joined forces with creative collective The 7 Fingers to explore what happens when you combine immersive activities, circus shows and interactive multimedia.
The goal of this social experiment was to create an augmented performance using technology and creativity, which would allow performers to utilize and amplify their performance.
Users gradually learn different behaviours and dance moves, first guided by a voice and then by themselves. With the use of 3D lidar scanning, and Cirrus, 40 users are able to be detected and tracked at once.
As the experience unfolds, the engaged audience forges a connection with the performers thanks to the tracking of their movements, coupled with the creative direction and the storyline narrated by a master of ceremony
Ultimately, the experience is brought to life through augmented environments featuring generative audio and video content informed by real-time participant tracking.