I just wanted to personally reach out and say this has been an amazing job and i really appreciate all the accommodations you have made during the process (especially with the still image stuff). This spot is coming together beyond my expectations.
-Paul Riss, Creative Director, Cundari
SPB, yourself and Kun were awesome to work with. The finished product received high praise from the Canada Bread regional meeting. "Best creative done on this brand
yet" was a quote that stood out. The experience was also great from start to finish. And I look forward to another one.
-Paul Riss, Creative Director, Cundari
This was a really interesting and fun project to do. The agency originally envisioned this as a high-speed photography project, but as part of our pitch to the agency we suggested doing this entire thing in CG. CG allowed us full control over the explosion and what was shown and not shown in each shot. It also alllowed for the camera to do things we wouldn't have been able to do with a "real" camera - such as very low angles and small changes in focus that otherwise would have been impossible to do.
The biggest challenge was how to create fully realistic 3D bread in the kind of short time spans that commercials have. It quickly became evident that the only way to do this and get the real look of the actual bread was to 3D scan it. I found a place on the internet _blank Repository that seems to do the best work in the industry. The only issue was that it was in Chile and getting fresh bread there and through customs would be a problem. However, after a few failed tries in Canada, we ended up sending the bread there. Blank were great and handled customs and did an outstanding job scannning all the pieces from the actual bread and afterwards it was a process of replacing our 3D elements with pieces of bread and figuring out how to light it in a way that made it look realistic.
Here are some examples of the scanned bread.
The BDC bread from the 3D scanner
All the pieces scanned in 3D - each piece fits back in to the original piece of bread like a puzzle.
Art Direction and References
What our research showed that real exploding bread would look like